Jesus's mother was Mary. But to whom was Mary married?
Mary of Nazareth was married to Joseph, who became Jesus's earthly father. A carpenter by profession, Joseph lived a humble life. However, Jesus’s true Father was God in heaven.
Jesus knew how to tell a story. What literary genre did he most often use to preach his message?
Jesus often taught using parables, which are symbolic stories. These narratives helped his followers comprehend and internalize the moral lessons he conveyed.
What female follower of Jesus witnessed his crucifixion?
Mary Magdalene, who came from the fishing village of Magdala, was one of Jesus’s most devoted female followers. She is mentioned in the four Gospels around a dozen times, even more frequently than some of Jesus's apostles.
What happened after Jesus was buried in the tomb?
On the third day after his death, Jesus rose again. In Christian belief, this resurrection was to grant humanity salvation and eternal life through him.
Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding. What was it?
Jesus became the highlight of the wedding in Cana when he miraculously turned water into wine. According to the Gospel of John, this was the first miracle he performed.
"As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water." Who baptizes Jesus and in what body of water?
John the Baptist was conducting mass baptisms in the Jordan River when Jesus approached his relative to be baptized.
"Traitor!" Who sold out and betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
The New Testament Gospels identify Judas Iscariot as the betrayer of Jesus. For thirty pieces of silver, he handed Jesus over to Roman soldiers with a kiss. Overcome with remorse for his actions, he ultimately took his own life.
Jesus searched out some fishermen friends. On which sea did he meet his apostles?
The Gospel of Matthew states, “And Jesus went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of sickness and disease among the people.” It was at the Sea of Galilee that Jesus encountered Simon Peter and Andrew.
What was Jesus's job before he started preaching?
Jesus’s earthly father, Joseph, worked as a carpenter, and Jesus followed in his footsteps in this trade. However, he was aware that he had a greater purpose beyond his earthly profession.
Fill in the blank. According to Matthew, Jesus told Satan: "Man shall not live by _____ alone."
When Jesus is tempted by Satan in the desert to turn stones into bread, he replies, "It is written: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Once again, Satan is defeated!
In good company, where did Jesus go to pray after the Last Supper?
Known to Christians as "the Agony in the Garden," the Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus was arrested while praying with his apostles Peter, John, and James.
"When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, 'Who is this?'" Jesus's entry into Jerusalem was celebrated with what?
Commemorated by Christians on Palm Sunday, Jesus's entry into Jerusalem was celebrated with palm branches laid on his path. The palms symbolize victory and goodness.
Judas Iscariot signaled to the Roman officials who Jesus was. What was the signal?
The kiss of Judas" is frequently depicted in art. This act of betrayal took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, where Judas used a kiss to identify Jesus as the Son of God to the Romans.
Jesus said, "For truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of" what "you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move"?
Faith can move mountains, even if it’s as small as a mustard seed measuring just one millimeter. In making this statement, Jesus emphasized that God is willing to do anything for those who have faith.
"On the third day, he arose again." What happened to Jesus after the resurrection?
According to the New Testament, after God raised Jesus from the dead, he ascended into heaven. There, he sits at the "right hand of God," prepared to fulfill the remaining Messianic prophecies.
It's a miracle! On which body of water did Jesus take a stroll?
Jesus's walk on the Sea of Galilee is recounted in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John. He approached the apostles' ship while it was caught in a storm.
When Mary Magdalene found Jesus's tomb empty, who said, “He is not here; for He is risen”?
An angel appeared to Mary Magdalene as she approached Jesus's tomb, announcing his resurrection. It remains unclear whether this angel was the archangel Gabriel.
Gotcha journalism" must have started with this group of religious leaders, who regularly tried to trap Jesus with their questions. Name the group.
Jesus and the Pharisees frequently engaged in debates. He criticized them for their hypocrisy, while they often attempted to challenge him with difficult questions.
"Away in a manger..." A star guided the magi to what city where was Jesus born?
Located just 10 kilometers south of Jerusalem, Bethlehem is where Jesus was born in a manger. During this time, everyone was required to return to their ancestral towns for tax purposes. Mary and Joseph took a week to travel there from Nazareth
What did Jesus say was more likely to happen than a rich person entering into the Kingdom of Heaven?
Matthew quotes Jesus as saying, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." He emphasizes that giving to the poor will lead to treasures in heaven instead.
When in doubt, open your eyes. In the Gospel according to John, which apostle doubted Jesus's resurrection?
The term "doubting Thomas" originates from this account. The skeptical apostle doubted Jesus's resurrection, insisting he would not believe unless he saw it for himself. When Jesus appeared to him, Thomas even touched his wounds to confirm the truth.
Jesus had a big secret. Who did he tell, "All things are possible with God"?
When a rich man asked Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus replied that he must keep the commandments and sell all his possessions, giving the proceeds to the poor. He then noted how difficult it is for the wealthy to enter heaven, prompting the disciples to question, "Who then can be saved?” They received this response in reply.
In Luke, a woman washes Jesus's feet with what two things?
In the Gospel of Luke, a woman identified as a sinner washes Jesus's feet with her tears and dries them with her hair. In response, Jesus assures her that her sins are forgiven.
Preach it from on high! Jesus's first public sermon occurred where according to the Gospel of Matthew?
The Sermon on the Mount is a compilation of Jesus's teachings and sayings. Among the teachings included are the Beatitudes, such as "Blessed are the meek."
What did Jesus say to do when wronged?
Jesus taught the principle of "turning the other cheek." In the Gospel of Matthew, he said, "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well."
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but where did he grow up?
He was nicknamed "Jesus of Nazareth" for a reason. This title reflects his hometown, and archaeologists believe they have identified what is considered Jesus's actual home with Mary and Joseph.
In Luke, Jesus's parable of "The Lost" stated that a woman had ten objects and lost one. What was it?
In a rebuke to the Pharisees, Jesus shared a parable about "the lost," illustrating that a woman with ten pieces of silver would search diligently for the one that is lost. When she finds it, she rejoices with her neighbors, just as God rejoices when a sinner returns to Him.
"Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God." From whom does the Virgin Mary learn that she's pregnant?
According to the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to a son, whom she was to name Jesus. Imagine her surprise, as she was a virgin at the time.
Happy Birthday! What was NOT one of the gifts offered to Jesus by the Three Kings?
Guided by a bright star in the sky, the magi arrived at Jesus's birthplace and knelt before him to present their gifts. Instead of a rattle, they brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, likely wrapped in festive paper.
"Before the rooster crows..." Prior to Jesus's arrest, he predicted that which apostle would disown him three times?
Peter claimed that he would never deny knowing Jesus, but Jesus knew otherwise. He predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, and indeed, that prediction came true.